The QA-FIT project aims to gather comprehensive evidence and reflect if and how the current EHEA framework of the ESG is perceived to limit the responsiveness of quality assurance to trends and innovations in higher education, and if and how there should be more room...


The 3-IN-AT-PLUS project is the fourth project of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) aimed at supporting the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Project summary 3-IN-AT-PLUS takes up the results of...


The InclusiPHE project connects the social dimension of HE with another fundamental pillar of the EHEA – student engagement – and has as the main objective to contribute to creating a more inclusive environment at PHEIs, by creating sets of interventions aimed at...


The project “Validation of transversal skills across Europe” (TRANSVAL-EU) aims to experiment on how to make those skills more explicit and to embed the lessons learned in validation and guidance provisions. TRANSVAL-EU proposes innovative approaches for the...


This project is a follow-up to the project TEFCE – Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement in Higher Education , which developed a toolbox to support universities and policymakers in supporting community engagement. SHEFCE is continuing its predecessor’s...