National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
Splaiul Independenței Nr. 313 Sector 6
060042 Bucharest (Romania)

The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (NUSTPB) is a comprehensive university with centuries of tradition.
NUSTPB has almost 40,000 students being trained in 21 faculties and having access to 87 cutting-edge Research Centers and a total of 380 Bachelor and Master’s programs, 55 of which are taught in English, French, and German. The university branches are positioned strategically in the most industrially developed areas of the country.
Apart from EURASHE, NUSTPB is part of over 20 larger academic associations, including the European University Association (EUA), the Top International Managers in Engineering Association (T.I.M.E.), The Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research (CESAER), L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Magna Charta Observatory (MCO), etc.
Since 2020, NUSTPB has been part of the European universities initiative and a member of the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA).