Quality Assurance Community of Practice
Community leaders

Valentin Năvrăpescu | University Politehnica of Bucharest

Eltjo Bazen | HU UAS Utrecht
The EURASHE Quality Assurance Community of Practice (QA CoP) integrates the trio of CoP, which consists of informal peer learning for exchanging good practices and contributing to capacity-building. The QA CoP has been built on an existing community of QA professionals close to EURASHE. It was re-launched in January 2023, gathering staff from HEIs, policy makers and professionals interested in the QA, and intends to be a learning and exchanging space for new synergies and contributing to shaping the subsequent developments of the Quality Assurance agenda in Europe from the perspective of Applied Higher Education.
The Current developments in the field of QA, both in the Bologna Process and the European Education Area, are demanding a broad understanding from all the interested stakeholders. The field of Professional Education and Applied Sciences, which hold a specific role and purpose in the HE landscape, also deserves the QA and framework tailored to their needs. The primary mission of this CoP is to reflect on the developments and allow EURASHE to formulate its advocacy towards the abovementioned issues better while staying very closely connected with the members and professionals on the institutional level. The topics of interest of the QA CoP are being set by the community itself. They reflect both the ongoing political developments and the topics of interest of the CoP members.
EURASHE is a member of the E4 Group, which consists of the European University Association, the European Students’ Union, and The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. The Group both proposed the initial European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in 2005 as well as its revision in 2015. All the partners are currently cooperating within the QA-FIT project, which is analysing the sectoral perception towards ESG development. The QA Cop ensures the existence of a direct link between stakeholder representation, institutions and higher education professionals.
Oct 2024
May 2024
Mar 2024
Oct 2023
Jun 2023
Oct 2022