14-15 May 2025 in Portalegre, Portugal

Become a member

Become a member of EURASHE and play an active role shaping the future of applied higher education.

What we do

EURASHE is engaged in the development of policies on key issues for applied higher education. These issues are outlined in the EURASHE Strategy 2023-2025 and regrouped into five thematic priorities displayed in the diagram below.

Local and Regional Impact

Mapping, regional development and impact, membership, local engagement.

Skills for

the Future

Lifelong learning, employability, qualification frameworks, recognition of prior learning.



Accreditation, transparency tools, rankings, labels, European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).


and Innovation

Universities of applied sciences, innovation, regional development, knowledge transfer.

Transnational cooperation

European Universities initiative, alliances, mobility, Erasmus+


All executive decisions within EURASHE are taken by its board, formed by representatives of EURASHE member institutions. The board is renewed every two years, with the current cycle ending in 2025.

Hannes Raffaseder

Hannes Raffaseder


Hannes Raffaseder is a Member of the Executive Board as Chief Research & Innovation Officer of St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences and leading coordinator of E³UDRES², the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions.

Nijole Zinkeviciene

Nijolė Zinkevičienė


Nijolė Zinkevičienė is currently working at Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, the largest and leading professional higher education institution in Lithuania in the position of the Vice-Rector for Research and Partnerships.

Jon Altuna

Jon Altuna


Academic Vice-Rector at Mondragon University since 2011. He worked as a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of Mondragon University since 1997. He was appointed Academic Coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering in 2007, where he was involved in competence-based curriculum design and quality assurance.

meet our
board members

EURASHE governance
and structure

Upcoming events

Below you can find all the events taking place in the coming months:


What’s new

Latest news

EURASHE joins Bluesky

EURASHE joins Bluesky

Like many other organisations, we have just joined the social media platform Bluesky. Find us at for updates.

Community voice

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Ongoing projects

EURASHE works with partners in several European projects, focused on modernising PHE as well as research, innovation, and development.

APP Mobility

Launched by a handful of partners from the EU4DUAL alliance, App Mobility aims to create a cohesive, efficient framework for joint dual education apprenticeship mobility across EU countries.
H.U.CO Labs

H.U.CO Labs

H.U.CO Labs brings together VET institutions, universities, and companies to develop technicians’ skills that will facilitate synergies, and thus innovation, in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

ETI Labs

ETI Labs aims to bridge the gap between higher education and the labour market, enhancing the employability of students and recent graduates through innovative learning methodologies and strategic partnerships.


The Erasmus+ project EngageAll promotes student engagement as a possibility for Future Skills learning for all students.

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EURASHE Projects

Do you want to help us shape the future of applied higher education? If your organisation is part of the Higher Education community, become a member of EURASHE and make it happen.