What’s new about EURASHE?
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Have a look at the latest EURASHE news:
On the 9th of July, 2020 the European Commission announced 24 new European Universities that will join the first 17 alliances of higher education institutions selected already in 2019. Among them -18 member institutions of EURASHE.
Fulda University of Applied Sciences (UAS) covers a broad spectrum of academic and professional education. It offers numerous first-degree programmes, graduate programmes and other educational activities (including part-time continuing education programmes for professionals and dual-study programmes in cooperation with enterprises and public administration) and counts currently approx. 10.000 students.
On the 1st of July, 2020 the European Commission (hereafter –EC) presented two initiatives – Youth Employment Support package and the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience.
EURASHE Community Voice
What do experts say about Applied Higher Education?
A selection of articles written by EURASHE friends and experts in the field, sharing their views, experiences and projects on different topics.
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