Neapolis University Pafos announces its integration as a full member – partner together with Limerick University (UL), Ireland, as Coordinator,Université Rennes 2 (UR2), Brittany, France, Université Bretagne Sud (UBS), Brittany, France, Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF), Germany, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences / Høgskolen i Innlandet (INN), Norway, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici (UMB), Slovakia, Dunărea de Jos University of Galați (UDJG), Romania, and Universidad de Burgos, (UBU), Spain, in the consortium of European Universities for their participation in the European Universities Initiative titled eMERGE (European Margins Engaging for Regional and Global Empowerment).
The mission of the consortium is in linking regional and national development to global connectivity with the core aim of the development of The Higher Education Emerging Design for Generation Europe (THE EDGE). Also the promotion of green growth and sustainability, mobility in the academic community as well as to create an inclusive environment that promotes equality, values and diversity respecting the dignity and rights of all members of the academic community.
We are particularly pleased with the acceptance and integration of our University in the strategic initiative of European Universities through our participation in the consortium of particularly important Universities in the region of the single space of European Higher Education. Our integration also confirms the quality characteristics of the operation and contribution of the academic work of Neapolis University Pafos and will contribute to the creation of important synergies and interaction, through the implementation of joint project actions and other joint educational activities with the excellent collaborating Institutions.
It will also contribute to further ensuring academic excellence, to the production and dissemination of innovative applied knowledge through the adoption of best practices and internationalization as well as the equal participation of Neapolis University Pafos in the core of University Higher Education, as strategic axes of the operation and development prospect of Neapolis University Pafos.
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