Research and Innovation



Demand-led and challenge-based research

Higher Education institutions can play a significant role in enhancing competitiveness and innovation capacity by acting as connectors with business and society. Many are striving to increase their level of applied research and innovation, encompassing problem-oriented research and development, and solutions to global societal changes. Furthermore, institutions that provide Applied Higher Education tend to be more embedded in their regions, and therefore are better placed to help small and medium-sized enterprises to develop local solutions to global challenges. Applied research activities are also a major factor in developing students’ competences (entrepreneurship, critical and innovative thinking, sustainable development mindset, etc.) and provide Applied Higher Education graduates with the right skills for new labour markets. This issue is a flagship of the EURASHE narrative around research and innovation, at a time when the European Commission is trying to link education and research.

To support development of research and innovation capabilities of its members, EURASHE promotes the following activities:

  • Develop a platform of organisations at EU level to increase visibility and demonstrate the value of applied research and innovation.
  • Support members on elements of Horizon Europe in which they can have the highest impact, in particular its ‘third pillar’.
  • Continue to raise the profile of members in terms of their role in Smart Specialisation Strategies and building research and innovation capacities in less developed regions.

Community of Practice

Projects related to Research