QA-FIT Policy Brief

The conclusive document of the Quality Assurance Fit for the Future (QA-FIT) project highlights key issues for the upcoming revision of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), while placing this revision in the...
The Future of the ESG

The Future of the ESG

This paper draws on the data collected with the objective of identifying and analysing commonalities and divergences in the perception of the ESG by different stakeholder groups, and the key messages that can inform the future revision of the ESG.
Quality assurance and internationalisation

Quality assurance and internationalisation

This paper explores the state of implementation of the various quality assurance tools that support internationalisation, discuss how current quality assurance arrangements both support and inhibit international activities of higher education institutions, and reflect...
ATHENA Transnational Report

ATHENA Transnational Report

This report consists of three main tasks and findings: (1) Identifying higher education domains, (2) Analysing higher education syllabi that incorporated Accessibility and Universal Design, (3) Qualitative analysis of these syllabi. Overall, these findings illustrate...
QA-FIT Preliminary Findings

QA-FIT Preliminary Findings

The QA-FIT project studies the responsiveness of quality assurance to trends and innovations in higher education. This document lists findings from the first phase of the project, looking at how ESGs have been adapted to different (national and institutional)...