Survey of Entrepreneurship in Education in Europe

Survey of Entrepreneurship in Education in Europe

This report is based on the survey conducted under the project European House of Entrepreneurs in collaboration with SPACE and having permission from EC (DG for Education & Culture) to use the questionnaire of the EU “Survey of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education...
Barriers and Drivers in European University

Barriers and Drivers in European University

This report presents the findings related to the barriers and drivers of university-business cooperation (UBC) that have been found to exist in Europe. These results derive from a fifteen and a half month study on the cooperation between higher education institutions1...
PL4SD: Guidelines for the background report

PL4SD: Guidelines for the background report

The country review is one element of the project entitled PL4SD, which has the objective of facilitating peer learning on policies and practices to improve the social dimension of higher education in EHEA.