Five leading universities co-create the next generation of degrees for a sustainable Europe.

INVEST European University Alliance is a transnational alliance of five universities aiming to become a prototype university of the future.

The alliance:

  • includes a diverse intermix of a variety of HEI’s covering a broad geographic European scope
    in a balanced way:
    • Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
    • University of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Bulgaria
    • University of Thessaly, Greece
    • Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
    • Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
  • offers innovative competence-based developed curricula that will be delivered across
    interuniversity campuses;
  • adopts a revolutionary cooperation approach according to which academic staff, non-academic staff and students create multilingual and multicultural groups to tackle the most critical issues that Europe faces nowadays.

EURASHE is an associated partner under this Innovations of Regional Sustainability: European University Alliance Project (No.: 101004073) co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

All INVEST members co-envision a long-lasting strategy that focuses on excellence and sustainability, incl. for the institutional transformation in research and innovation through the INVEST FOR EXCELLENCE IN REGIONAL SUSTAINABILITY (INVEST4EXCELLENCE) project with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 101035815).

INVEST builds its essence on the four strategic pillars:

  1. Competitive education and valuable learning outcomes
  2. Collective excellent research and innovation
  3. High mobility level beyond the Europe, and
  4. Networking as the platform for future education and research,

covering the three main focus areas – Water, Energy Food and Environment Nexus, Quality of Life and Entrepreneurship.

In the alliance student-centered education is becoming a reality and a new model is developed:

  • enhancing high quality and accessibility of education;
  • strengthening the link between education, research and innovation;
  • increasing mobility of students, staff and researchers;
  • encouraging key stakeholders’ participation and societal engagement of students and staff;
  • involvement of local communities and supporting sustainable regional development.

INVEST offers opportunities for holistic cooperation of diverse and heterogeneous educational models and promoting an innovative e-learning and e-mobilities systemic tool included in its Virtual Campus services.

Furthermore, INVEST introduces a revolutionary student service – the virtual recommendation engine EDUC8EU, to assist students deciding on their own learning pathways.

In INVEST the concept of Living labs will be applied as a model to contribute to enhancing the sustainability of regions by undertaking applied research in a new quadruple helix cooperation.

The first 5 Bachelor specializations will be open for the academic 2022/2023 year on the following

  • Developing Viable Communities
  • European sustainable leadership in Regional Development
  • Integrated Environmental Management towards Sustainable Landscape Development
  • Sustainable Communities in Energy Transition
  • Society 5.0 and Digital Transformation

Language courses, lifelong learning course, summer and winter schools and others are being developed as a good practice of learning, sharing ideas and experience, cooperation and teamwork, establishment of strong partnerships and presentation of the results of applied science and education.

The next INVEST Summer school will be hosted by University of agribusiness and rural development, Bulgaria and it will be organized in a hybrid form integrating a virtual co-working space and a short intensive study program in Bulgaria.

The theme of INVEST Summer school, planned for the period 9 May – 10 June 2022, is Ensuring quality of public services accenting the topics of Social innovation in education, community and social services: new solutions to contemporary challenges to quality assurance in terms of the achievement of sustainable regional development.

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