The Board of EURASHE has issued a statement about the ‘Seal of Excellence’ that was awarded to European University Alliances applying for Erasmus+ funding in the most recent call. These alliances were evaluated as excellent, but cannot yet be funded by the Erasmus+ Programme due to budgetary limitations.


EURASHE has issued this statement due to the high levels of expectation and motivation for the European Universities Initiative, which it believes should not only benefit those alliances that were successful in applying for Erasmus+ funding.

Hannes Raffaseder, President of EURASHE, remarked that “the European Commission and EU Member States should do their upmost to support these excellent higher education partnerships and provide the credibility and profile that the initiative has created […] EURASHE will certainly treat them in the same way as Erasmus+ funded alliances, including through participation in our recently established Sounding Board for the European Universities Initiative”.