The EURASHE Sounding Board on the European University Initiative met today for the first time in Brussels.
The Sounding Board brings together members that have formed European University Alliances to discuss key issues in their implementation and monitoring. It will also act as the voice of the applied sciences within the Initiative and its Community of Practice, the FOREU4ALL project, in which all Erasmus+ funded Alliances are partners along with EURASHE and other higher education stakeholders.
The Sounding Board was announced by EURASHE President Hannes Raffaseder at our Annual Conference “Stronger Together: Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied Universities”, held at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria). It is chaired by Prof. Anka Mulder, CEO of EURASHE member Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
During the meeting, the Sounding Board had the opportunity to exchange with Vanessa Debiais-Sainton of the European Commission (DG EAC). It will meet again in October during the European Week of Regions and Cities, during which EURASHE is organising a session on the regional impact of European University Alliances.
The results of the call for new European University Alliances and the Community of Practice were announced last week. Read our story here.