This month Fulda University of Applied Sciences joined EURASHE.
Fulda University of Applied Sciences (UAS) covers a broad spectrum of academic and professional education. It offers numerous first-degree programmes, graduate programmes and other educational activities (including part-time continuing education programmes for professionals and dual-study programmes in cooperation with enterprises and public administration) and counts currently approx. 10.000 students.
The University has been a project coordinator and partner of several European funded projects (FP7, Horizon2020, LLP, Erasmus+, COSME) and numerous national as well as regional research, education and innovation projects. Fulda University has been furthermore consortium coordinator for Erasmus Traineeships (and former Leonardo) Mobility Projects since 2001 and has been a coordinator of the European OPEN-EYE consortium (COSME -Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme) since 2009.
Transdisciplinary Research is promoted in five interdisciplinary research centres and two regional research networks. Fulda University of Applied Sciences also disposes of several Doctoral Research Centres. Fulda University has been the first university of applied sciences in Germany, which can award PhD degrees. Since 2017 doctoral studies have been carried out in the Doctoral Research Centres “Social Sciences with a focus on Globalization, European Integration and Interculturality”, “Social Work”, “Public Health “and “Applied Computer Science”.
Currently, EURASHE has 66 members which represent more than 600 higher education institutions around the world.
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