On 3 October, the European Commission opened the fifth call for proposals to support the rollout of the European Universities Initative, funded through Erasmus+. It aims to expand the number of alliances up to 60, while reinforcement of existing alliances with new members is foreseen for the 2026 Erasmus+ work programme (call in 2025).
In order to take full advantage of this opportunity and to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing, EURASHE is organising an online networking session on 20 October 2023, open to members and other interested institutions. It will provide a platform for stakeholders to discuss their successful experiences, share insights, and explore potential alliances for the call.
Several EURASHE members have already been successful in receiving the funds to secure their role in the initiative. We want to build on the success of the existing alliances funded under the previous calls by encouraging more applied universities to build new or join existing alliances.
Applied universities provide a specific contribution to higher education systems and the European Education Area, since they are close to the world of work and embedded in their regional innovation and skills ecosystems. The European University Initiative recognises the diversity of Europe’s higher education system, and the successful applications of applied universities show that many have the capacity, motivation and ability to successful participate or coordinate alliances.
Click here for more information about the event and registrations