The project “Validation of transversal skills across Europe” (TRANSVAL-EU) aims to experiment on how to make those skills more explicit and to embed the lessons learned in validation and guidance provisions. TRANSVAL-EU proposes innovative approaches for the validation of transversal skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL), which will be tested in five pilot countries – Austria, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania and Poland.
Project summary
TRANSVAL-EU aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of validation assessors, counsellors and career guidance practitioners on transversal competences through capacity building. The project strengthens cross-sector cooperation between practitioners, policy-makers and other stakeholders in order to build coherent VNFIL systems.
TRANSVAL-EU aims to:
- improve the knowledge and know-how on the validation of transversal competences
- train validation/guidance practitioners
- develop new tools for validation and guidance professionals and test them
- monitor and evaluate the experimentation’s outcomes and impact both on practitioners and on the adults, who will have their skills validated.
The project partners will develop and test:
- a research base of good practices
- a set of training toolkits and programmes
- standardised competence profiles for validation/guidance practitioners with a specific focus on transversal skills
- Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research through Austria´s Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD)
- Consortium for the validation of competences (CVDC)
- Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre (KPMPC)
- Regional Agency for Active Labour Policies of Umbria (ARPAL)
- Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP)
- European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP)
- Educational Research Institute (IBE)
- 3s research laboratory (3s)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL)
- Lithuanian education and science trade union (LESTU)
- FORMA.Azione
- Pluriversum
- Chamber of Labour for Salzburg (AK Salzburg)
- Austrian Institute for Vocational Education Research (öibf)
- Training Toolkit for validation and guidance professionals
- Research Report: The impact of validation and guidance of transversal skills
- Gmaj, I., Fijałkowska, B., Pierwieniecka, R., Śmigiel, J. (2023). Guidance and validation scenario for transversal competences. Who are the users and what are the steps to take? TRANSVAL-EU policy recommendation. Warsaw: TRANSVAL-EU.
- Policy Coherence Report in various European languages