Spanning boundaries

University industry innovation network



Spanning Boundaries

The Spanning Boundaries project aims to break down the engagement barriers between universities and their regional, national and international business stakeholders, by fostering the boundary-spanning skills of the higher education institutions’s faculty, staff and leadership.

Project summary

People are the most crucial factor in the knowledge transfer and innovation across institutions, mobilising resources, triggering organisational change, and making an economic and societal impact in their regions. The project will help to describe the “boundary spanning” capacity as a desired quality for regional innovation and help to instil it among HE professionals and SME staff, for them to be able to identify and leverage organisational networks for greater institutional and regional impact.

The Spanning Boundaries project aims at bridging the gap between policy and practice by:

  • Identifying the quality, knowledge and skills set that describe boundary spanners;
  • Designing and pilot testing an experiential learning programme on the concept in collaboration with business representatives;
  • Generating and disseminating replicable tools for HEIs and SMEs across Europe.

EURASHE is a partner of the Spanning Boundaries project consortium and its role includes supporting the dissemination of the project’s outcomes at the European level and providing policy advice.