Research Community of practice

This event will build interactive small group discussions based on UAS Fulda case and input gathered from the webinar participants that took place on the 30th of November 2021.

It is expected that practical issues like capacity for following European policies and funding schemes/existence and role of liaison person, internal capacity planning and motivation for EU funding, challenges and positives of developing internal research support strategy, engagement of partners and stakeholders, capacity and profile of UAS researchers… might be addressed.


April 2022

Fulda (Germany) 

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Optional activity 






Morning Coffee and Onsite Registrations


Opening session 

  • Armando Pires, EURASHE President
  • Vice-President, Fulda University of Applied Sciences.


Tour de table – Getting to know each other

  • Introduction of participants
  • Sharing participants’ experiences and expectations


Participatory session – Establishing community membership I 

  • Designing tangible ResCoP activities that will sustain engagement such as interaction, learning, knowledge sharing, and collaboration on topics such as institutional strategies to access EU funding programmes, capacity building, networking, synergies between teaching, transfer, 3rd mission and research and among different EU programmes.

11:00 – 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15- 11:45

Keynote Speech 

Mareike Schmitt, European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations
Institutional Strategies to access EU research funding programmes

11:45 – 12:15

Keynote Speech 

Dimitri Corpakis, former Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission 

12:15 – 13:00

Light Lunch


Participatory Session – Establishing community membership II 

  • Pro-action coffee on subjects raised in morning participatory session, and issues raised by keynote speakers.


Closing session 

  • Wrap-up, outlook to next steps and online follow-up.
  • Closing remarks by John Edwards, EURASHE Secretary-General


Optional activity 



The Research Community of Practice is looking for people involved in university research support activities at all working levels. Due to the pandemic restrictions in Germany, there will only be 20 to 30 places available to participate physically.

Please, fill in the registration form and share your motivations and experience with us. We will later confirm if your registration has been approved via email in a couple of weeks.

Registration FEES ➡️ 50€/per person

*Note that priority will be given to EURASHE members.

Deadline to apply: 21st March


Practical information


  • Hochschulzentrum Fulda Transfer (5 min walking distance to the train station (ICE-Bhf)).
  • Arrival on April 20 2022 and Departure on April 21 2022 (Frankfurt Airport is the nearest airport and offers direct InterCity (IC) and InterCity Express (ICE) rail service to Fulda, as well as regional train connections via Frankfurt’s main train station (Hauptbahnhof).


  • Recommended Hotels in 5 min walking distance to the Hochschulzentrum Fulda Transfer (all Hotels in the city centre are in general within walking distance):
NAME  PRICE (approx.)
Hotel Peterchens Mondfahrt 79€
INVITE Hotel Fulda City Hauptbahnhof 79€
Hotel am Schlosstheater 75€
    COVID - 19 RULES
    • Valid EU COVID Certificate required (minimum double vaccination) – your certificate will be checked at the event venue. 
    • Mandatory use of medical (FFP2) masks, when moving in the room and in public spaces