Place, Knowledge, Skills | 34th Annual Conference

Applied universities driving regional competitiveness


May 2025

Polytechnic University of Portalegre | Portalegre, Portugal


We are delighted to invite you to the EURASHE 34th Annual Conference, taking place on 14-15 May 2025 at the Polytechnic University of Portalegre in Portalegre, Portugal.

Every year, EURASHE gathers the Higher Education community to discuss and draft a shared path on relevant topics for the present and the future of education. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this event, save the date and join us!

Have a question? Contact us at [email protected] 

AC register now


Amidst rising geopolitical challenges and global competition, the President of the European Commission has called for a greater focus on Europe’s economic competitiveness. The recently published report by Mario Draghi “The future of European competitiveness” underlines that in today’s global economy, competitiveness is built on a highly skilled workforce, as well as the creation and application of new knowledge. In his report “More than a Market”, former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta has renewed a long-standing call for a fifth freedom in the European Single Market, allowing for greater circulation of human capital and knowledge. Yet, European competitiveness should be promoted with a sustainable and inclusive approach. Increasing competitiveness in all regions will make Europe much greater than the sum of its parts, and ensure that there are no ‘left behind places’ that breed populism and nationalism.  

How can Higher Education Institutions contribute to this objective within regional innovation ecosystems adapted to the local context, following the smart specialisation approach? This is the guiding question for the 34th Annual Conference of EURASHE, the European Association for the Applied Sciences in Higher Education.



The 34th Annual Conference is hosted by the Polytechnic University of Portalegre. It is a Public Higher Education Institution that creates, transmits and disseminates professionally-oriented knowledge through high-level training and qualification for different audiences at various stages of their academic and professional careers, and through research and technological development for the promotion of communities, in cooperation with regional, national and international entities. Its core values are excellence, responsibility, and proximity.


We are planning engaging panel discussions and keynote speeches, workshops and breakout sessions, plus several informal moments for you to mix and mingle with colleagues and meet new people from all over Europe and the world.

The overall programme structure can be found below. Click here for an in-depth look at the programme.


Pre-conference | 13 May

15:00 – 16:30 Meeting of the EURASHE Council
17:00 – 19:00 EURASHE General Assembly (members only)
19:30 – 22:00  Pre-conference reception  
Day 1 | 14 May
 Welcome coffee & registration (9:00 – 9:30)
9:30 – 10:15 Conference opening
10:15 – 11:00 Keynote speech 
Coffee break (11:00 – 11:30)
11:30 – 12:30 Plenary session
12:30 – 13:15 Breakout sessions
Lunch (13:15 – 14:45)
14:15 – 15:30 Leadership Forum
14:45 – 15:30 Breakout sessions
15:30 – 16:15 Hot topics by EURASHE Communities of Practice
16:15 – 17:15 Plenary session
17:15 – 17:30 Wrap up of the day  
 Conference Gala Dinner (20:00 – 22:30)
Day 2 | 15 May
 Welcome coffee & registration (9:00 – 9:15)
9:15 – 9:30  Warm up 
9:30 – 10:00 Keynote speech
10:00 – 10:45 Breakout sessions
Coffee break (10:45 – 11:15)
11:15 – 12:15  Plenary session
12:15 – 12:30  EURASHE Star Awards
12:30 – 13:00

Wrap up of the day 

Conclusions and announcement of 35th Annual Conference host

Lunch (13:00 – 14:30)
Social programme (optional, self-paid)
15:00 – 17:00 Castle of Marvão guided tour
17:30 – 19:30 Networking drinks in the town of Castelo de Vide (exact location tbc)
Registration and fees
Ticket type Standard fee
Students* €200
Selected contributors €295
Early Bird EURASHE member €370
Early Bird non-member €470
General admission EURASHE members €430
General admission non-members €530

*Only valid for students with a valid ID. Submission of a copy of the ID is required upon registration.


Early Bird registrations to the Annual Conference close on 16 February. For updates, follow our social media accounts or sign up to our newsletter.


All payments will be carried out via invoice according to the deadline stated in the document. When registering, please clearly indicate your institution’s full address and VAT number (if applicable) as well as the appropriate email address to which the invoice should be sent.

Any invoices that remain unpaid by Thursday, 1st May 2025 will be deemed null and the registration invalid.

Cancellation policy
  • Cancellation before 30 April: 70% of your ticket will be refunded
  • There will be no refunds given after 30 April

*All cancellations must be sent via email to [email protected]
*Participants who register and do not attend the entire event will not be refunded



Carlos Torrecilla Salinas

Carlos Torrecilla Salinas

Head of the Innovation, Policies and Economic Impact Unit, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre

Carlos holds two Master’s degrees (in Physics and Electronic Engineering) from the University of Granada and a PhD in Software Engineering from the University of Sevilla. He has more than 15 years of experience in the field of digital technologies and innovation, in particular in the public sector, and more than 10 years in the European Commission, where he has served in various Directorates-General.

Vanessa Debiais-Sainton

Member of Cabinet responsible for education & Union of Skills, European Commission’s Executive Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu


Joao Santos

Joao Santos

Expert Consultant, Education and Training Policy

Joao Santos in an expert and consultant on education and training policy, and is based in Lisbon, Portugal. During his career of 33 years at the European institution he worked in various policy fields including Scientific research and development, Industrial policy, International trade, External relations, Structural policies, and Education and training policy. In his latest assignment at the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission, he worked as a Senior expert, Deputy Head of Unit, and Acting Head of Unit, in the service responsible for vocational education and training as well as the policy orientation of the Erasmus+ programme in this sector. 


Practical information and accommodation

Portalegre is situated in the Portuguese region of Alentejo, about 200 km from Lisbon.

Shuttle busses between Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS) and Portalegre will be arranged at the times below to ensure participants can easily reach the conference venue. Seats can be reserved during the registration process, and the cost of round-trip transportation is included in the conference fee.

Lisbon Airport to Portalegre
Tuesday 13 May 12:00 17:00
Portalegre to Lisbon Airport
Thursday 15 May 12:00 14:00
Friday 16 May 10:00

Should these times not suit you, Portalegre is equally reachable by public transport from the Lisbon coach station. Consult bus company Rede Expressos for more information.


We invite participants to book rooms at the following hotels in the towns around Portalegre. Shuttle busses between these hotels and the conference venue will be arranged to ensure participants can easily reach the venue. To book at a discounted rate, please send a direct e-mail to your preferred hotel mentioning that you are a participant in the 2025 EURASHE Annual Conference.

Hotel name Room type Price/night + breakfast Contact
Castelo de Vide (distance from Portalegre: 22 minutes)
Hotel Sol e Serra Standard single €58,00 Book via website
INATEL Castelo de Vide Standard single €64,00 Book via website
Standard single with garden view €67,00
Marvão (distance from Portalegre: 26 minutes)
Pousada de Marvão Standard single €125,00
Superior single €135,00

To ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip to Portalegre, we strongly recommend arranging your travel and accommodation well in advance. EURASHE is here to support you throughout the process: do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding the event.


The conference is taking place at the main campus building of the Polytechnic University of Portalegre (IP Portalegre).

IP Portalegre main campus

Praça do Município 11, 7300-110 Portalegre, Portugal

IP Portalegre
Gala Dinner 

The Conference Gala Dinner (14 May) is taking place at Convento de Santa Clara, a convent founded in the fourteenth century currently hosting the city’s library.

Convento de Santa Clara

R. de Elvas 47, 7300-126 Portalegre, Portugal

Convento de Santa Clara

We are currently accepting contributions to breakout sessions addressing the key question of the Annual Conference: How can Higher Education Institutions contribute to sustainable and inclusive European competitiveness within regional innovation ecosystems adapted to the local context, following the smart specialisation approach?

Contributions can be based on both theory and practice, including but not limited to the following topics: 

  • Applied research and innovation with regional partners from industry and civil society;
  • Regionally relevant curricula including work and practice-based learning;
  • Consultancy services to local firms that promote the dissemination and absorption of knowledge;
  • The contribution of European University Alliances and Centres of Vocational Excellence to smart specialisation and regional development;
  • The role of HEIs in regional governance.

Eight contributions will be selected to cover four sets of parallel sessions. Contributions are evaluated and selected by the Programme Committee. Selected contributors benefit from a reduced fee to attend the Conference.

Application process
  • Submit your contribution using the dedicated form.
  • Deadline for submissions: 15 December 2024
  • Successful applicants notified by: 10 January 2025
Programme Committee members
  • Reyes Alejano, Rector Delegate at the University of Huelva (ES)
  • Vera Barradas, Pro-President for Communications and Institutional Imagery at the Polytechnic University of Portalegre (PT)
  • Cristina Guerra, Pro-President for Teaching and Quality at the Polytechnic University of Portalegre (PT)
  • Karel-Herman Haegeman, Team Leader S3 at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (BE)
  • Armando Pires, former President of Setúbal Polytechnic University (PT), former President of EURASHE
  • Pierre Vieyres, President of the International Relations Committee at Assemblée des Directeurs d’Instituts Universitaires de Technologies (Rectors’ Assembly of Technology University Colleges – ADIUT) (FR)

The call for contributions is now closed.

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