Université Paul-Valery Montpellier III




Internships play a key role in young people’s integration into the labour market. They are essential in bridging the skills gap between education and work. However, the great majority of internships do not fulfill their purpose due to the poor design of their framework; this results in a situation where millions of young people face serious problems of social inequality, no protections of rights and no acquisition of the skills necessary to get a job. It is against this background that the SPRINT project aimed to achieve a unique quality standard for internships in Europe.

Project summary

Result of the SPRINT project was the creation a standard and a self-assessment tool to define the quality of internships and the learning outcomes they bring to young people, undergraduate and graduate. The project partners developed this standard to be valid for the whole European Higher Education Area taking into consideration the national practices and therefore contributing to the harmonization of a European area of skills and qualifications.

EURASHE was a partner of the SPRINT project consortium and its role included supporting the dissemination and contributing to the investigation through its links with European higher education institutions.