Previous annual conferences
Learn more about other EURASHE annual conferences, that took place all over Europe, since 1990.
Tallin 2018
28th Annual Conference
The challenges emerging in most areas of society and life, especially those brought by the digitalisation of production and services, have gotten into the core attention of discussions on the future role and development of higher education.
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Le havre 2017
27th Annual Conference
EURASHE organised its 27th Annual Conference titled ‘Professional Higher Education 4.0: A Change for Universities of Applied Sciences‘ in Le Havre (France) on 30-31 March 2017. It is organised by EURASHE and the IUT of Le Havre with the Assemblée des Directeurs d’Institut Universitaire de Technologie (ADIUT).
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Belgrade 2016
26th Annual Conference
Entitled ‘Centres of cooperation striving for excellence: Professional higher education and the world of work’, the Annual Conference developed through 3 main themes seen as the biggest strengths of the cooperation built between PHE institutions and the world of work: employability, regional development and innovation. When talking about employability, we addressed different indicators and discussed modes of cooperation and engagement that support graduates’ employability.
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Lisbon 2015
25th Annual Conference
The theme of the 25th Annual Conference of EURASHE, which was hold this year in Lisbon (Portugal), is ‘Professional Higher Education more Relevant than Ever – Challenges for the Future’. In the run-up to the next Ministerial Conference of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), taking place in Yerevan (Armenia) in May 2015, the choice of this topic shows relevance of a sector of Higher Education, which is considered as one of the key players in influencing and developing the society of present and future.
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Yereban 2014
24th Annual Conference
The theme of the 24th Annual Conference of EURASHE, which is held this year in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, is ‘Qualifications for the Labour Market’. In the run-up to our 25th anniversary and to the next Ministerial Conference of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), also to be held in Yerevan in 2015, the choice of this topic shows the confidence of a sector of higher education, which has gained in status and relevance. Professional qualifications are also a focal point in EURASHE’s EU-funded pilot project HAPHE, which is an attempt at mapping professionally-oriented programmes in a number of countries, in different national systems and contexts, irrespective of the level or qualification.
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Split 2013
23rd Annual Conference
The 23rd Annual Conference of EURASHE in 2013 comes at a moment when we are in a process of re-formulating our priorities, on the basis of our overarching policy paper ‘Towards a Diversified, Responsive and Competitive European Higher Education’, which was communicated to the Ministers of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) on the occasion of the Ministerial Conference in April 2012 in Bucharest (Romania).
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Riga 2012
22nd Annual Conference
The 22nd EURASHE Annual Conference brought together leaders in the field of Professional Higher Education for a comprehensive overview of both related themes. The Conference was hold in Riga (Latvia) on May 10-11, 2012 at the Radisson Latvija Hotel. The Conference is hosted by the Banku Augstskola in partnership with the FLLLEX project consortium. The Conference is traditionally a meeting of EURASHE’s members, outside experts from a range of academic fields and stakeholders to construct a unique range of educational experiences of relevance to professionals from all geographical regions and sectors of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and beyond.
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Nice 2011
21st Annual Conference
“This year’s conference is particularly important for professional higher education” said conference co-organiser and the Vice-President of the ADIUT Philippe Pierrot. “The IUTs (Instituts Universitaires de Technologie), which form an integrated part of the university system, focus on the professionally oriented programmes in France. These technological and commercial tracks within the university system, contribute to regional development and applied research.
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Tallin 2010
20th Annual Conference
The Tallinn event is also a 20th Anniversary celebration of EURASHE as an association, coinciding with the launch of the European Higher Education Area in 2020. We highlight this by means of a special EURASHE publication of 10 scientific articles dealing with the priority areas of the HE reform, and consisting of contributions from individual experts in higher education, who are affiliated to EURASHE or have a stake in professional HE. Three conference tracks presented and debated upon in plenary sessions, with breakout sessions for interactive workshops.
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Prague 2009
19th Annual Conference
EURASHE organised its 19th Annual Conference titled ‘Higher education, Enterprises and Regions: Partnerships for Innovation and Development throughout Europe‘ in Prague (Czech Republic) on 21-22 May 2009. It is organised by EURASHE, the Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education (CASPHE), the College of Polytechnics Jihlava (VŠPJ), the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) (Czech Republic) and the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
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Malta 2008
18th Annual Conference
EURASHE organised its 18th Annual Conference titled ‘Qualifications in a Quality Assurance Culture: Moving Bologna and Copenhagen towards a lifelong and Europe-wide response to employability‘ in Malta on 8-9 May 2008. It is organised by EURASHE with Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST), University of Malta and Malta Qualifications Council (MQC).
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Copenhagen 2007
17th Annual Conference
EURASHE organised its 17th Annual Conference titled ‘Research and Innovation and The Social Dimension of HE – Towards a broader interpretation‘ in Copenhagen (Denmark) on 26-27 April 2007.
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Drubovnik 2006
16th Annual Conference
EURASHE organised its 16th Annual Conference titled ‘The Dynamics of University Colleges in the EHEA‘ in Dubrovnik (Croatia) on 27-28 April 2006. It is organised by EURASHE with the Croatian Council of Universities and University Colleges of Applied Sciences (VVIVŠ).
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Vilnius 2005
15th Annual Conference
EURASHE organised its 15th Annual Conference titled ‘University Colleges in the Bologna Process: quality culture and applied research‘ in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 28-29 April 2005. It is organised by EURASHE, the Rectors’ Conference of Lithuanian University Colleges (LKDK), and Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences (VIKO).
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Nicosia 2004
14th Annual Conference
In several European countries, the cooperation and even partnerships and associations between universities and institutions of professional higher education are increasing. How can this be realized in such a way, that both sectors of higher education are maintaining their profiles and strengths, when approaching a more coherent landscape of European higher education? And how will this evolution influence subjects and periods of study and success rates in the two sectors? Many other questions could be raised.
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Title | Summary | Year | Categories | Link | hf:doc_categories |
ATHENA Project Focus Groups and Co-Design Sessions Report | Held in various European countries, these discussions informed a set of recommendations included in Deliverable 2.2 “Recommendations on the integration of accessibility and Universal Design in higher education curricula, including sample modules”, also published in … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
ATHENA Project Report on Consultations and Cooperations of Macro-Level Bodies on the Integration of Accessibility and Design for All in Higher Education Curricula and their Activities | The aim of the consultation was to assess the feasibility of a set of recommendations included in Deliverable 2.2 “Recommendations on the integration of accessibility and Universal Design in higher education curricula, including sample modules”, identify potential challenges and gain insight into practical strategies for implementation. In total, 17 representatives from macro-level bodies in the five project countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czechia and Spain) provided their perspectives through an online survey conducted between November and mid-December … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
ATHENA project Recommendations on the Integration of Accessibility and Universal Design in Higher Education Curricula | The document offers recommendations on implementing accessibility and universal design in HE curricula, developed by the ATHENA project consortium. These recommendations are addressed to a wide range of stakeholders including policymakers, quality agencies and accreditation bodies, educational leaders, programme creators, instructors, and user representatives. The recommendations deal with key aspects such as: legal framework, financial support, curriculum design, staff training, and learning … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
Call for EURASHE Board candidates | EURASHE hereby announces a call for candidates for the election of all nine elected Board members at a meeting of the General Assembly on 13th May 2025 in Portalegre, Portugal. The deadline for submission of nominations is 31st March … | 2025 | Others | others | |
Open letter to Commissioner for Startups, Research and Innovation Ekaterina Zaharieva | Open letter from EURASHE President Hannes Raffaseder to European Commissioner Ekaterina Zaharieva, congratulating her on her appointment and pledging support to her policy … | 2024 | Policy | policy | |
Open letter to Executive Vice President for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness Roxana Mînzatu | Open letter from EURASHE President Hannes Raffaseder to European Commission Vice-President Roxana Mînzatu, congratulating her on her appointment and pledging support to her policy … | 2024 | Policy | policy | |
EURASHE Vision for FP10 and beyond | EURASHE’s recommendations for the EU’s next Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP10). Our vision emphasises increasing funding, reducing administrative barriers, fostering synergies, and enhancing applied … | 2024 | Policy, Position papers | policy position-paper | |
Statement on the Seal of Excellence awarded to Alliances within the European Universities Initiative | EURASHE supports European Universities Alliances awarded the Erasmus+ Seal of Excellence, advocating for their inclusion in networks and equal access to funding opportunities. Despite not receiving Erasmus+ funding, these alliances demonstrate innovation and quality, and EURASHE is committed to ensuring their continued participation and success in European higher … | 2024 | Policy, Position papers | policy position-paper | |
QA-FIT Policy Brief | The conclusive document of the Quality Assurance Fit for the Future (QA-FIT) project highlights key issues for the upcoming revision of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), while placing this revision in the broader context of policy development in the EHEA and the … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
Annual Report 2023 | The Annual Report lists the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2024 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Navigating Higher Education: Let EURASHE be your lighthouse | On 3 July, Higher Education Strategist Peter van der Hijden gave an insightful and provocative speech at the EURASHE Summer Cocktails, discussing the European Degree, European Universities Alliances, Micro-credentials and more. His words give plenty of ideas for universities and educators on how to do more with what we have. We publish here the text in its … | 2024 | Events, Others | events others | |
EURASHE reaction to budget cuts to Dutch Higher Education | The newly appointed Dutch Minister for Education Eppo Bruins recently announced an upcoming wave of budget cuts to Higher Education institutions, limiting the “excessive internationalisation” that has characterised the country until now. EURASHE is concerned that this may hinder the development of higher education and have detrimental effects on the interconnected nature of the … | 2024 | Position papers | position-paper | |
EURASHE Task Force Conclusions on Open Science | Applied Universities play a crucial role in the discourse surrounding open science due to their practical orientation and direct engagement with real-world challenges. These conclusions were developed by the EURASHE Task Force on Open … | 2024 | Position papers | position-paper | |
EURASHE statement on the adoption of the Tirana Communiqué | EURASHE welcomes the Communiqué adopted in Tirana on 30 May at the Ministerial Conference of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). As a consultative member of the Bologna Follow Up Group (BFUG), a EURASHE delegation participated in the Tirana Ministerial Conference and published a statement. This was the basis for an intervention by EURASHE President Prof. Hannes Raffaseder during the … | 2024 | Policy, Position papers | policy position-paper | |
The Future of the ESG | This paper draws on the data collected with the objective of identifying and analysing commonalities and divergences in the perception of the ESG by different stakeholder groups, and the key messages that can inform the future revision of the … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
Quality assurance and internationalisation | This paper explores the state of implementation of the various quality assurance tools that support internationalisation, discuss how current quality assurance arrangements both support and inhibit international activities of higher education institutions, and reflect on how these challenges might be addressed, including through the upcoming revision of the … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
ATHENA Transnational Report | This report consists of three main tasks and findings: (1) Identifying higher education domains, (2) Analysing higher education syllabi that incorporated Accessibility and Universal Design, (3) Qualitative analysis of these syllabi. Overall, these findings illustrate that Accessibility and Universal Design appear in some universities’ curricula but do so in minimal ways and varied … | 2024 | Projects | projects | |
QA-FIT Preliminary Findings | The QA-FIT project studies the responsiveness of quality assurance to trends and innovations in higher education. This document lists findings from the first phase of the project, looking at how ESGs have been adapted to different (national and institutional) … | 2023 | Projects | projects | |
BWSE FOR2030 Policy Recommendations | An inspirational Policy Recommendations to European and national-level policy makers, staff of higher education institutions in leadership positions as well as students to take action, implement policies and advocate and design policies that will enable the EHEA to realize the vision outlined in the Rome … | 2024 | Policy, Projects | policy projects | |
Recommendations of BFUG working group on teaching and learning to Tirana Ministerial Conference 2024 | This deliverable was developed within the framework of the Bologna Follow-up Group by the Working Group on Learning and Teaching, Co-chaired by EURASHE together with representatives from France and Ireland and with participation of the members of the Working … | 2023 | Policy | policy | |
Towards the European Framework for Attractive and Sustainable Academic Careers | This policy brief is centred around the issue of human resource structures and incentives within HEIs, including permeability, assessment, recognition and career development. It aims to address prevalent challenges and identify key areas for … | 2023 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Erasmus+ Programme Evaluation | This paper express the position of EURASHE vis-a-vis the Erasmus+ Programme Evaluation (2021-27 and 2014-20 cycles). Specifically, it highlights the need to boost inclusivity in mobility and for better guidance and support in the field of … | 2023 | Position papers | position-paper | |
EURASHE Strategic Framework 2023-2025 | EURASHE Strategic Framework 2023-2025, adopted by the General Assembly on 10 November … | 2021 | Others | others | |
EURASHE Statutes | EURASHE Statutes as approved by the General Assembly on 17 October 2015 and modified by the General Assembly on 28 February … | 2022 | Others | others | |
AIRinVET: Publication on AR actors, business models and case studies | This report provides an inventory of existing practices and practical examples in Applied Research and Innovation carried out by vocational education and training centres. The mapping exercise covers a wide range of organisations pertaining to provide vocational education with a view to enhancing peer-learning amongst … | 2023 | Projects | projects | |
EURASHE Skills Community of Practice Launch Report | As part of the European Year of Skills, EURASHE launched its Skills Community of Practice (CoP) in February 2023. The Skills CoP is an initiative for institutions and professionals to exchange ideas, knowledge, and best practices in the field of skills development. This report outlines the main points of discussions and outcomes from the launch … | 2023 | Events | events | |
EURASHE Statement on the European Year of Skills | This statement expresses the EURASHE position and vision concerning the European Year of … | 2023 | Position papers | position-paper | |
EURASHE CoP Rules of Procedure | These rules of procedure govern the functioning of the Communities of Practice, as established by the EURASHE … | 2022 | Others | others | |
InclusiPHE Policy Paper | This report outlines the main concepts and findings of the InclusiPHE project, as well as a set of recommendations for inclusive students engagement in … | 2023 | Projects | projects | |
UASiMAP Flagship Report | The UASiMAP project has developed a framework for self-assessment and benchmarking that is presented in a Flagship … | 2023 | Projects | projects | |
‘Stand by Youth’: Students and Graduates Guidance for Student Advisory Services | The present information aims to inspire the Student Advisory Services, policymakers, institutional leaders and staff with recommendations, but also considering the already-written guidelines and overviews – to give the reader a set of resources for inspiration. | 2022 | Policy | policy | |
32nd Annual Conference Full Programme | Full programme of the Conference “Skills for Europe: Mobilising Higher Education for the Green and Digital Transitions” (Bucharest, 8-9 June … | 2023 | Events | events | |
Annual Report 2022 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2022 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
EURASHE 31st Annual Conference Report | Report of the EURASHE 31st Annual Conference, taking place in Brussels from 23-24 May 2022. | 2022 | Events | events | |
NextEducation Research Group Update 2022 | January 2022 newsletter by the NextEducation Research … | 2021 | Others | others | |
The transition towards regional sustainable futures | The transition towards regional sustainable futures: a position paper on exploring a transdisciplinary view on the INVEST Living Lab … | 2022 | Projects | projects | |
About the “Legal Tech” laboratory of the Center of Legal Initiatives and Innovations of the Tashkent State University of Law | Information about the “Legal Tech” laboratory of the Center of Legal Initiatives and Innovations of the Tashkent State University of Law. | 2022 | Others | others | |
Position paper on European Union policy after 2020 on Vocational and Educational Training | Many of the VET policy initiatives have 2020 as a policy horizon. The European Commission is forward looking in developing both an evaluation and a new direction for VET policy at the European level. As VET providers’ associations cooperating in VET4EU2 we outline our contribution to this policy development … | 2018 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Changing Patterns of the Higher Education System and the Perennial Search of the Second Sector for Stability and Identity | A discussion on the emergence of professional higher … | 2000 | Others | others | |
Survey of Entrepreneurship in Education in Europe | This report is based on the survey conducted under the project European House of Entrepreneurs in collaboration with SPACE and having permission from EC (DG for Education & Culture) to use the questionnaire of the EU “Survey of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education in Europe-2008” in a shorter … | 2012 | Policy | policy | |
Barriers and Drivers in European University | This report presents the findings related to the barriers and drivers of university-business cooperation (UBC) that have been found to exist in Europe. These results derive from a fifteen and a half month study on the cooperation between higher education institutions1 (HEIs) and public and private organisations in … | 2011 | Policy | policy | |
27th Annual Conference Report | EURASHE’s 27th Annual Conference was held on 30-31 March 2017 in Le Havre (France) in a partnership with the Assemblée des Directeurs d’Institut Universitaire de Technologie (ADIUT), the IUT of Le Havre, and the University Le Havre … | 2017 | Events | events | |
The EMREX Project: Supporting Student Mobility | The EMREX project focuses on the exchange of student achievement records between the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) – an exchange initiated by the student. EMREX is part of a wider set of EU activities focusing on student mobility, e.g. Erasmus Without Paper, FAIR and other similar … | 2017 | Projects | projects | |
Professional Higher Education in Europe: Characteristics, Practice Examples, and National Differences | This publication presents the main outcomes of a partnership working towards “Harmonising Approaches to Professional Higher Education in Europe” (HAPHE) in … | 2014 | Policy | policy | |
PL4SD: Guidelines for the background report | The country review is one element of the project entitled PL4SD, which has the objective of facilitating peer learning on policies and practices to improve the social dimension of higher education in … | 2013 | Policy | policy | |
Revising the learning outcomes debate | This paper contextualises the learning outcomes debate and presents results of a study of students’ perceptions of what they have learned after the completion of the course. It is about student self-assessment of subject-specific skills and competences, one dimension of the many learning outcomes a higher education institution gives rise … | 2010 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Can we make the bureaucracy of monitoring the quality of a University’s Learning and Teaching more acceptable? | This case study highlights one institution‟s attempt to reduce the apparent bureaucracy of a major aspect of its quality assurance procedures whilst emphasizing the benefits of professional quality officers and academic staff working … | 2010 | Others | others | |
University governance and quality assurance: what is at stake? | This paper shows the various types and purposes of governance arrangements, and underscores the binding nature of quality assurance guidelines while most governance arrangements are advisory in … | 2010 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
New Paradigm for Quality Assurance | The new qualification frameworks’ stress on learning outcome indicates a ‘new paradigm’ for our way of assessing higher education. With this in mind, the presentation discusses the very concept of learning outcome, how it may be assessed and its suitability as a steering … | 2009 | Others | others | |
CAF and education: A tool for self-assessment and preparation of National Quality Agency evaluation | The objective of the approach by CAF and education is obviously to create a learning school and to develop a real school culture to self-evaluation and external evaluation. But the tool is also very efficient to prepare the self-assessment and to write the self-assessment report required by the National Quality Agency for … | 2009 | Others | others | |
Assessment report: European Master of Law and Economics | This report is the result of the assessment of the European Master of Law and Economics coordinated by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This assessment procedure took place within the framework of the JOQAR project. The overall purpose of this project is to ensure that Erasmus Mundus programmes (and joint programmes in general) are facilitated in two specific areas: accreditation and … | 2013 | Policy, Projects | policy projects | |
AUDIT Programme: an Initiative to Promote Internal Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education Institutions | The aim of the AUDIT programme is to guide universities in the process of defining formal policies and processes, and to establish responsibility for external review processes and ensure that the goals of university quality are … | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Enhancing Education Quality Assurance Using Data Mining | This paper introduces a comprehensive educational quality assurance system for a university. The system takes into consideration the three main pillars of the educational process: content, delivery, and … | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Developing internal QA mechanisms: Towards an East African Quality Assurance framework | This paper discusses preliminary results, successes and challenges related to the installation of an East African (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) Quality Assurance … | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
2009 Bologna Stocktaking findings on the Higher Education Quality Assurance | Following the 2009 Bologna process, it was concluded that several aspects of quality assurance need more time for implementation an that the work will not be completed by 2010. Some proposals are made regarding the areas implementation of which could benefit from inclusion of these areas in the internal and external quality … | 2009 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Developing a System of Quality Enhancement in a Post-Conflict University Environment | This paper seeks to discuss the process and challenges of developing a system of quality assurance and enhancement in a post-conflict environment at the University of Prishtina, … | 2006 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
… | 2009 | ||||
Institutional Program Accreditation as a Force for Change in South Africa Higher Education Institution | This paper looks at the concepts of institutional accountability from the point of the perception of programme … | 2006 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Accreditation: Paradigm shift in Higher Education? | A new watchword has made its entry into the discussion about Germany`s higher education system: Accreditation. This is quite revolutionary a development with regard to a higher education system marked by strong governmental control. For accreditation seems to prepare what can be called a paradigm shift in the traditional ways of steering the HE sector – a development that has far-reaching implications also for the institutional management of … | 2001 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Creativity and diversity: Challenges for quality assurance beyond 2010 | A selection of papers from the 4th European Quality Assurance Forum, which took place on 19-21 November 2009 in Copenhagen, … | 2009 | Events, Policy | events policy | |
FLLLEX: National Policies for the Implementation of Lifelong Learning | This report forms part of a wider project currently taking place which aims to identify the challenges and implications of lifelong learning incorporation into European higher education institutions (HEIs), with special attention given to the recognition of prior learning and to different aspects within … | 2010 | Projects | projects | |
International Mobility Patterns of Researchers and Their Determinants | With the conversion of most industrialized countries to the knowledge economy, worries about the alleged brain drain of researchers to the United States are growing. We study the international mobility decisions and their determinants of a sample of foreign PhD holders who came to the US to obtain a PhD in … | 2010 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Engaging in the Modernisation Agenda for European Higher Education: Executive Report | The Executive Report of the MODERN Conference, which took place on 30 January 2012 in Brussels, … | 2012 | Events | events | |
FLLLEX: Survey of Lifelong Learning Providers | The FLLLEX project (The Impact of LifeLong Learning Strategies on Professional Higher Education) is an EU funded project in the framework of the Transversal Programme, Key Activity … | 2012 | Projects | projects | |
Language Policies in European Higher Education Area | The article presents the preliminary results of a survey carried out among the Romanian students of Babeş‐Bolyai University the purpose of which was to see their satisfaction as to the language teaching and the offer of languages within their … | 2011 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Social capital, citizenship and continuing education: What are the connections? | The purpose of this short article is to consider the concepts of social capital and of citizenship, and to identify connections with continuing education, post-school education, and lifelong … | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
University Engagement and Regional Innovation | The European higher education sector is already a decade into a fundamental process of reform, seeking to make universities and higher education an essential component of a competitive, sustainable and equitable Europe. The main elements of this wider reform process have involved harmonising and modernising funding, curricula and governance procedures for higher education institutions (HEIs) across … | 2010 | Policy | policy | |
The Use of Embedded Awards in the Irish National Framework Of Qualifications to Promote Lifelong Learning | The project ‘Supported Flexible Learning’ is funded jointly under the Higher Education Authority’s Strategic Innovation Fund and the Institutes themselves. It consists of two main components viz the building of capacity within the IoT’s to deliver flexible learning and the development of collaborative approaches to promoting lifelong … | 2010 | Others, Projects | others projects | |
Pilot Survey Report on Caribbean Students’ and Researchers’ Perceptions of the European Higher Education Area | The aim of the survey was to add value to the other project activities aiming to spread EHEA awareness in the area (networking and events organization in the Caribbean, Web communication and promotion) and provide a tangible information … | 2011 | Policy | policy | |
Evolving diversity: Participation of students with an immigrant background in European Higher Education | The EQUNET project was conceived as an independent research and networking initiative, with an aim to increase access to Higher Education for all marginalised and non-traditional groups based on a principle of … | 2012 | Projects | projects | |
Mapping mobility in European higher education | The purpose of the volume is to further showcase the great diversity of contexts and student mobility situations which characterise European … | 2011 | Policy | policy | |
The Quality of Internationalisation of Higher Education in Europe: Towards a European Certificate | Over the past 25 years, the international dimension of higher education in Europe has become more central on the agenda of European and national governments, institutions of higher education and their representative bodies, student organisations and accreditation agencies. Internationalisation has become an indicator for quality in higher education, and at the same time there is more debate about the quality of internationalisation … | 2010 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe | This is the second report in a series following the evolution of the modernisation agenda for higher education in Europe, following a 2011 report on funding and the social dimension. It examines policy and practice related to the student experience of higher … | 2014 | Policy | policy | |
Engaging in the Modernisation Agenda for European Higher Education | This report is the last in a series of six reports to be published by the MODERN project on key issues related to current priorities in higher education management: governance, regional innovation, quality assurance and internationalisation, funding, and knowledge … | 2012 | Policy | policy | |
CALOHEE: Questionnaires on typical degree programmes and typical occupations and tasks | Responses of the Subject Area of Civil … | 2016 | Projects | projects | |
Flexibility through Learning Outcomes | Flexibility in learning is an acknowledged necessity for a knowledge society. This flexibility has been developing in an incremental fashion (discrete cycles, credits, distance learning, learning outcomes). | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Developing Institutional Language Policy | Higher education institutions face challenges set by Bologna process, the implementation of which requires creating conditions for language learning and intercultural competence acquisition. | 2011 | Academic papers, Policy | academic-papers policy | |
The Development of an Internal Quality Assurance Policy for Research at the University of Cyprus | The paper addresses the development of a Quality Assurance (QA) policy for research at the University of Cyprus (UOC). | 2006 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
External Quality Assurance in the EHEA: Quo Vadis? | The paper takes a broad view of the present status of QA in Europe, as most of the structural goals of the Bologna process have been achieved and new challenges are mounted by the BFUG. | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Scenarios for virtual and virtually supported work placements | This document is developed in the framework of the EU-VIP (Enterprise-University Virtual Placements) project. | 2011 | Projects | projects | |
Zen, Motorcycle Maintenance, and the Metaphysics of Quality | This paper examines the nature of the relationship between the creative, diversity-friendly and the predictability, standardisation-driven aspects of quality assurance when looked at through the lens of Robert Pirsig’s “Metaphysics of Quality”. | 2011 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Quality issues related to Recognition of Qualifications | This paper considers a co-operation between a UK University and a Hungarian national public institution. The partnership developed a study programme for nurses to study for a first cycle qualification and receive a UK … | 2011 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Quality assurance and the learning journey | This paper argues that the aims of UK quality assurance (QA) within institutions should be concerned not only with the requirements to provide a profile of programmes, institutions and their accomplishment, but also to support individual student … | 2012 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Quality Tools for Professional Higher Education Review and Improvement | This gathering of Quality Tools for Professional Higher Education Review and Improvement contains the first step of the work conducted by the PHExcel partnership, namely the outcomes of our efforts aiming at mapping quality tools, models and labels, currently in use in (professional) higher education in … | 2014 | Projects | projects | |
Quality Assurance System to monitor the teaching and learning process at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) | This paper presents (a) the design of an evaluation model for quality assurance of teaching and learning and (b) the results of its application in a pilot study that ran in 2008/09 at the Departments of Electronics and Telecommunications, and Physics, of the … | 2011 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Blended Learning for Lifelong Learners in a Multicampus Context | Blended Learning seems a promising concept for higher education institutions (HEI). The expectations of all stakeholders are high. To meet these expectations Blended Learning should, unlike e-learning, not mainly focus on the technological … | 2012 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
An Evaluation of the Quality (Assurance) Evaluation | This paper aims to be a systematic reflection on the main concepts concerning quality assurance processes, starting with quality itself. A national quality assurance evaluation of the University of Bucharest (UB) is the reference framework of the … | 2009 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Tracking the development of a Quality Culture | The notion of Quality Culture (QC) is raising growing interest. The central question of this paper concerns identifying ways of observing and monitoring this … | 2009 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Employability and Mobility of Bachelor Graduates in Europe | This book aims to show what information can be drawn from graduate surveys which are periodically undertaken in various European countries as regards the implementation and the results of the Bologna … | 2011 | Policy | policy | |
Higher Education Governance Reforms Across Europe | Report from the MODERN … | 2009 | Policy | policy | |
PL4SD Final Report | The final report of the PL4SD (Peer Learning for the Social Dimension) … | 2015 | Projects | projects | |
Introduction to the theme Professional Higher Education | This document provides a definition of Professional Higher Education (PHE) by Stefan Delplace, former Secretary General of … | 2013 | Others | others | |
Internationalisation of Higher Education in Europe and its assessment, trends and issues | This paper addresses internationalisation, in particular in the context of increasing globalisation of our societies and the development of a global knowledge … | 2010 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Measuring the impact of university-business cooperation | FInal report Measuring the outcomes of University-Business cooperation in the field of … | 2014 | Policy | policy | |
Short Cycle Higher Education in Europe | This comparative study makes a detailed analysis of existing Short Cycle Higher Education as an intermediate level of the first level of higher education (or at level 5 of the EQF) in 32 of the Bologna signatory … | 2011 | Policy | policy | |
Assessment of cooperation between higher education institutions and employers in Europe | To enhance university-business cooperation (UBC), some changes should be introduced on several levels. This report presents a brief country review in a parallel of university and business points of … | 2012 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Funding Higher Education: a View across Europe | European higher education institutions need to modernise their governance and train their leaders to operate in increasingly complex sets of interactions at the institutional, regional, national and European level. European policies call for universities to play a strong role in the Lisbon Agenda and in making Europe a strong knowledge-based economy. Although the need to train university leaders is so obvious, the supply of management support to higher education institutions, their leaders and managers is highly fragmented in … | 2006 | Policy | policy | |
Accreditation comparative study in higher education system of different countries to propose an appropriate accreditation | Quality assurance in higher education was until relatively recently an implicit activity. measured but could be recognized by academics when and where it existed were prevalent. However, over the last two decades, a number of factors have combined to challenge traditional views about quality in higher education and how it is assured. These factors have been elaborated by many commentators – individuals and organizations such as UNESCO and the World Bank – and have led to the making of quality assurance in higher education “a central objective of governmental policies and an important steering mechanism in higher education systems … | 2008 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
The Professional Value of ERASMUS Mobility | The VALERA project (VALERA = Value of ERASMUS Mobility) aims to establish the impact of mobility within the ERASMUS sub-programme of SOCRATES on the mobile students’ and teachers’ careers. For this purpose, representative surveys were undertaken of formerly mobile ERASMUS students and formerly mobile ERASMUS teachers. In addition, university leaders were asked to assess the role of student and teacher mobility at their institution, and employers were requested to report about the experience with formerly mobile students. Moreover, a broad range of actors and experts stated their perceptions of the impact of ERASMUS mobility in an expert survey and in discussions during general and field-specific … | 2006 | Policy | policy | |
ECTS Users’ Guide | The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent and thus helping to enhance the quality of higher … | 2015 | Policy | policy | |
Trends, Issues and Challenges in Internationalisation of Higher Education | This selection of articles provides an overview of conceptual thinking and trends, challenges and misconceptions with respect to internationalisation of higher … | 2011 | Academic papers | academic-papers | |
Policy Paper on Mobility | This paper reflects on the challenges and opportunities for student mobility in the new, increasingly internationalised context of higher … | 2012 | Policy, Position papers | policy position-paper | |
EURASHE Position Paper on Permeability between PHE and VET | Europe is facing various socio-economic challenges. The solutions lie in the promotion of a wider concept of employability, flexibility, relevance and openness of education … | 2017 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Position paper on Research and Innovation | Pre-eminently, the development of a European knowledge area is crucial in our wish to sustain, and further develop, the welfare and prosperity of European citizens. The development of new economic powers (BRICcountries and others) in the face of diminishing natural resources, drives Europe towards its most powerful resources, which are knowledge, and the power to innovate. As the systems of production and processing of goods are moving towards other parts of the world, Europe is seeking for a new and intensified role as a technical innovator at various levels of input, performance and … | 2016 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Policy Paper on Quality Assurance and Transparency Tools | During the 1990s, following the rise of international markets and informatics in the preceding decade, fundamental world-wide economic shifts occurred. These changes can be summarised in terms of globalisation, individualisation, digitalisation and the information boom. The economic and financial crisis of the 2000s has not only deepened and hastened these changes, but also set new challenges to the world, in terms of restructuring the knowledge society through creativity and innovation and specifically the formulating of new responses to climate change, issues concerning immigration as well as attempts to address the widening gap between rich and … | 2012 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Key Considerations for Cross-Border Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area | ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE and EQAR were part of the stakeholder group drafting the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area … | 2017 | Policy | policy | |
Lifelong Learning: Impediments & Examples of good practice | The degree of implementation of both the European Qualifications Framework and the National Qualifications Framework varies from one country to another, ranging from total lack of implementation to partial or full … | 2008 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Modernisation of Higher Education as part of the ET 2020 Agenda of the European Commission | The European Commission organised a consultation on the Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education in Europe. EURASHE, as one of the main stakeholders in higher education at the European level, took part in the consultation through its membership. Our position paper reports on the consultation exercise. It focuses on cross-validating the guiding principles for policy and action within the ET 2020 … | 2016 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Lifelong Learning Strategies: Progress & Setbacks In Institutional Practice in Flanders | The present study represents a follow-up of the report published by EURASHE in January 2009, entitled “Lifelong Learning: Impediments and examples of good practice”. This previous research study focused in detail on a number of general aspects concerning the implementation of lifelong learning at European level: the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Employability and Lifelong Learning Strategies. While the present study is based on these previous findings, it adopts, however, a new approach. It will focus less on the development of lifelong learning at policy-making level, being instead, orientated towards its implementation within professional higher education … | 2009 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Micro-credentials in Professional Higher Education | Microcredentials may provide opportunities for reaching better the existing target groups, attract learners from less traditional cohorts and strengthen links to … | 2021 | Position papers | position-paper | |
Annual Report 2021 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2021 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2020 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2020 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2019 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2019 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2018 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2018 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2017 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2017 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2016 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2016 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2014 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2014 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2013 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2013 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2012 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2012 | Annual reports | annual-report | |
Annual Report 2011 | A look at the activities and achievements of EURASHE throughout the … | 2011 | Annual reports | annual-report |