Member News
This page features the latest updates from our membership, which includes universities, national associations, and organisations working on Higher Education from all over Europe and beyond.

The 3rd Annual Higher Vocational Education Forum organised by Association of Higher Vocational Colleges was held in Slovenia on November 13.

This is your chance to share research, practices, and insights with a global community of thought leaders and changemakers.

Steelcase Learning is committed to providing solutions and inspirating spaces for 21st century higher education institutions.

The “EU Matters” initiative, initiated by the E³UDRES² Alliance, has won the second place in this year's Lower Austrian AIACE Awards.

U!REKA European University alliance organised a joint networking event during the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Fachhoschule St. Pölten is organising the Academic Development Conference on 27 February 202, a leading forum for advancing teaching and learning in higher education.