Czech Association of Professional Higher Education


Pod Kotlářkou 2194/8
150 00 Prague 5 (Czech Republic)

[email protected]

Czech Association of Professional Higher Education

The Czech Association of Professional Higher Education (CASPHE) (Sdružení profesního terciárního vzdělávání – SPTV) is an independent organisation of colleges and institutes of professional higher education in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1991. CASPHE represents interests of the particular type schools and education, contributes to their development. It plays a role in policy discussions as regards formulation of problems relevant to the development of professionally-oriented higher (tertiary) education sector and proposals of their solution. CASPHE facilitates mutual cooperation of member schools and exchange their experiences, facilitates contact individual for members seeking to create conditions for qualitative growth, creates a sense of belonging and mutual interest.

CASPHE activities include:

  • conceptual and policy work on the development and structuring of professionally oriented tertiary education;
  • development of colleges and institutes of professional higher education including information on challenges, trends and developments at international level and promotion of experience from abroad;
  • promotion of the idea of professional higher (tertiary) education including communication with professional bodies and representation of employers;
  • preparation and coordination of international and Czech-based projects, seminars and conferences;
  • activities in the field of quality management and improvement